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Green Waste Update

Green Waste Dumpster

The town was able to sign a one-year contract with a private provider for a green waste dumpster.   A charge of fifty cents ($.50) will be added back onto the utility bills to cover the cost. It is in the same location as last year. We encourage citizens to use it. However, there are rules that must be followed.

Acceptable Green Waste Materials Include: Grass, leaves, garden waste, clean hay and straw (baling twine removed), shrubs, branches and non-invasive weeds.

Materials NOT Accepted Include: Rocks and gravel, dirt, tree root balls, sod, plastic bags, dimensional lumber, plywood, painted or treated woods, invasive weeds (dyers woad, thistle, etc.) or any trash, garbage or refuse of any kind. Anything over 6ft. in length or 12 inches in diameter is not acceptable.

Each year several non-acceptable materials are thrown into the dumpster. The town is responsible for any additional expense of disposing of nonacceptable items. Any additional expense incurred by violation of the rules will result in immediate termination of the Green Waste Dumpster.

We also ask that you clean up after yourself and make sure all debris goes in the dumpster. Please do not overfill the dumpster; the provider will not empty it if it is filled above the rim.