Clarkston Water Line Inventory: The final service line inventory for Clarkston Town Culinary Water has been classified as non-lead; meaning no lead, galvanized downstream of lead, or unknown service lines were found. The system was determined to be non-lead by performing a detail review of all available records including but not limited to the following: Aerial Imagery/Historical Imagery Building permits Water system records, construction as-built drawings Water distribution system inspections Software utilized to manage data and water service connections such as: ESRI ArcGIS, Excel

Green Waste Dumpster

Logan will not be providing a green waste dumpster this year. They are still accepting green waste at no charge but will be assessing whether this will be continued in the future. 

Be advised that dumping green waste on public property and along roadways is illegal and could result in citations. Clarkston Town does not allow green waste or any debris to be dumped in or around the old gravel pit and will aggressively pursue all legal options if someone is caught doing so. 

The Town Council recognizes that the green waste collection site was extremely popular and beneficial, but for Clarkston to provide one would be extremely expensive. The town is interested in citizens’ input to help us find a viable solution.