Noxious Weed Control:

Dyers woad program

Join the Cache County Conservation Districts and Weed Department in the War On Weeds. Together we can protect our natural landscapes and preserve biodiversity.

Noxious weeds are invasive plant species that pose serious threats to ecosystems, agriculture, native plant communities, and our economy. They out-compete native vegetation, reducing food for wildlife and domesticated animals.
Dyers woad (Isatis tinctoria) is a highly invasive plant originating in Europe, introduced into North America as a source of blue dye. It infests disturbed sites, rangelands, pastures, roadsides, and cultivated fields; and seeds are easily dispersed on animal fur, clothing, shoes and vehicles.

How You Can Help
– Join Cache County residents in efforts to remove Dyers woad by pulling weeds, bagging them and returning the bags in exchange for cash and prize drawings.
– Spread awareness about the importance of managing noxious weeds.
– Report sightings of noxious weeds at or on the EddMaps app.

Bag ‘O Woad
An informational meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, from 6:00- 7:30 pm at the Cache Event Center (Fairgrounds). At that time official bags and tickets will be distributed (limit of 20 bags). Once filled, the bags may be returned with tickets to exchange for cash and inclusion in a raffle for prizes donated by participating businesses.

Drop off bags filled with dyers woad Thursdays from 5:30- 7:00 PM to Cache County Weed Department locations:
April 10- 24- Hyrum, 1020 E 600 N
April 17, May 1- Richmond, 161 N 900 W
Additional bags may be obtained on the same evenings.
Weeds must be pulled or dug from the ground, including roots. Wear proper clothing, gloves and shoes. Bring a
shovel or heavy duty weeding tools for hard, rocky soil. Safety first!

Contact: Jace Farnsworth (Resource Coordinator)
Mobile: 435-222-4105
Office: 435-753-5480, ext. 2114
Email: [email protected]

Protect our natural world from invasive threats!